Celebrated International Hindi Day on 12th January 2021 by the Department of Hindi. The Chief Guest of the program was Dr. Amarnath Prajapati (Assistant Professor, Dept. Of Hindi, Karnataka State Akkamahadevi Women’s University Vijayapur. program was presided by the our beloved Principal Dr. A. N. Chattarki. All the faculty of the dept. of Hindi & students were presented.
Statistics Department of our College celebrated a “World Statistics Day “on 20th of Oct 2020. The programme began with the welcome of the worthy guest, faculty members and students of the College. The Chief Guest Dr. V. S. Kulkarni, a Statistician was the esteemed guest of honour. He emphasized on two aspects, firstly on the theme “Connecting the world with data we can trust”. This theme reflects on the importance of trust, authoritative data, innovation and the public good in national statistical systems. Secondly, on the “Employment opportunities in Statistics” which followed by the skill development. Principal of the College Dr. A. N. Chattarki bestow the presidential remark. He expounded statisticians recognize that transfer of knowledge and strengthening national statistical capacity remains a priority for everyone. Statistics that can help us a respond a new challenges bring about the policy changes. To initiate the occasion Miss Affreen Shaikh recited some verses of holy Quran , Miss Tanjila Padeknur sang the Naat-e-Sharief , Prof. Miss R. Y. Madhabhavi welcomed and introduced the Guest, Miss Sumiaya Shaikh proposed vote of thanks.Miss Ayesha Sulatanpur was the programe convener. Prof. Smt. S. M. Hanchinal guided the students , and college staff including IQAC coordinator grace the occasion .The programme ended with National anthem.