Certificate Course on “Basic Data Analysis using R – Programming”
Department of Statistics of Anjuman Arts, Science, Commerce College and P.G. Studies in English, Vijayapur organised Certificate Courseon “Basic Data Analysis using R – Programming” for B. Sc. I Semester students.
To initiate the programme Miss Mustafa recited some verses of holy Quran. Prof. Smt. S. M. Hanchinal HOD of statistics, welcomed & introduced the guests. Dr. A. N. Chatarki , Principal and President of the Inaugural function appreciated efforts of the team that organised Certificate Course & address the participants about the importance of certificate courses & data analysis in the field of research. Resource Person Raj Ahmad Jumanl HOD of Computer Science, explained about the importance of R- Programming in data analysis. Inaugural session was concluded with vote of thanks by Programme convenor, Mr. Usman Solkar.
Course was conducted from 5th feb 2022 to 20th feb 2022( daily two hours) Students learned application of basic statistical concepts using R-Studio They have studied computation of Mean, Medan and mode, graphical and diagrammatic representation, Basic Probability distributions i e. Plotting binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions and simple mathematical operations using R.
20 Students participated in this Certificate Course. The Course was ended with formal Valedictory function with great successful.