Pick and Speak Competition

Mr. Shakir Takkalki NSS 1st Year Volunteer articipated in Pick and Speak competition on the topic, “Love For My Country India ” at District Youth Festival jointly organised by Department of Youth Empowerment and Sports Vijayapur District and Nehru Yuva Kendra on 10th December 2021 at Kandagal Rangmandir Station Road Vijayapur.

May be an image of 3 people, people standing and text that says "ಯುವಜನೊ DISTRICTYOUT AREL 2021 MAL GPS Map Camera Vijayapura, Karnataka, India 54, MG Rd, Jadar Galli, Vijayapura, Karnataka 586101, India Lat 16.829117° Long 75.723477° 10/12/21 05:29 PM Η Google"
May be an image of 3 people, people standing and text that says "ಯುವಜನೊ DISTRICTYOUTH 2021- Map Camera Vijayapura, Karnataka, India 54, MG Rd, Jadar Galli, Vijayapura, Karnataka 586101, India Lat 16.829117° Long 75.723477° 10/12/21 05:28 PM H Google"

Visit to District Statistical Office

Department of Statistics of our college was conducted a visit to District Statistical Office on Friday 10th December 2021 at 11 a m for B Sc, I Sem and B Sc III Sem students to study the methods of data collection (District at a glance). Shri. B. A. Chandkawate, D S O, Vijayapur. address the students and highlight the collection of statistical information and staff of district statistical office were explained about the data collection in different fields like Agriculture, Health and Family welfare, Industries, Education and population birth and deaths. etc. Twenty students of statistics department and HOD Smt. S M Hanchinal were participated in this programme.

May be an image of 9 people, people sitting, people standing and text
May be an image of 8 people, people sitting, people standing and text

International Human Rights Day Celebration

International Human Rights celebrations by NSS and Department of Political Science, Prof Sayed Wajid Peerzade Head- Dept of Commerce and Computer Science & IQAC Cordinator was the Chief Guest. Mr Aqeeb Shaikh BA 3rd Semester initiated the function with the recitation of the verses of the Holy Quran, NSS POs Dr Ruqqia Hashmi welcomed the gathering, Prof Md Gous Pitali proposed the Vote of thanks Dr. S J Jahagirdar graced the occassion, Miss Afreen Kazi BA 1st Semester was the host of the event.

May be an image of 8 people and text
May be an image of 6 people and text that says "DEPARTMENT POLITICALSCIENCE& N.S.S CELEBRATES INTERNATIONALHUMA RIGHTSDAY-2021 gyavant ospital... GPS Map Camera Vijayapura, Karnataka, India RP9C+RG8 Kanakadas colony, Vijayapura, Karnataka 586109, India Lat 16.820186° Long 75.72087° 10/12/21 11:48 AM Google"

Nehru Yuva Kendra Vijayapur had organised Block Level Declamation Contest

As a part of the Republic Day Celebrations 2022, Nehru Yuva Kendra Vijayapur had organised Block Level Declamation Contest today the 8th December 2021, in which 5 volunteers participated under the mentorship of NSS Program Officer Dr Ruqqia Hashmi, also Jurist for the event.1:Miss Rizwana Jamadar secured 1st Prize 2: Miss Afreen Kazi bagged 2nd prize 3: Mr Aqeeb Shaikh secured 3rd Prize All three volunteers will now participate in the District Level Declamation Contest on 14th December 2021.Hearty Congratulations to all the volunteers. All 3 winners are from our college.

Department of Statistics conducted a field visit

Department of Statistics conducted a field visit to University of Agriculture on Tuesday, 7th dec 2021 at 11 a m to study the applications of designs of experiments in the field of agriculture. Dr. Rajendra Nandgavi, researcher, scientist explained about practical layout of randomized block design, spilt plot design and complete randomize block designs in the in the field for two hours from 11 am to 1 pm 15 students of V semester and HOD Smt. S. M. Hanchinal and guest faculty Shilpa nagoli participated in this event