Two silver medal in RCUB
In Wrestling single zone tournament which was organised by RCUB. In that Tournament our Students Mr. Santosh Dodamani and Mr. Lokesh yadahalli have won silver medals in 64 kg and 60 kg category respectively.

In Wrestling single zone tournament which was organised by RCUB. In that Tournament our Students Mr. Santosh Dodamani and Mr. Lokesh yadahalli have won silver medals in 64 kg and 60 kg category respectively.
SCIENCE FORUM Workshop on 1.Basic Life Support 2.First Aid In Emergency 3.Health Talk held on 12.03.2020 At 12.30 to 3.30 There were 60 B.Sc.. final year students enrolled. Resource person: Dr. Sayyid Hannan. In the workshop there was hands on training, resource person has shown the live demo on first aid in emergency.
National Science Day Celebrated on 12.03.2020 At 11.30,
Introduction and welcome by Dr. Saleem M. Desai., Secretary of Science Forum.
The Chief Guest Dr. Sayyid Hannan gave talk on Health and Corona Virus,he talked about the basic health tips and first aid emergency, he has also mentioned about the recent corona virus impact on health, it’s symptoms, and how one should b careful from this virus. Principal Dr. Z. S. Qureshi presided over the programme
Prof. Shaikhshawali proposed the vote of thanks.
Ladies forum of our College organised international women’s day function on 8th March 2020. Smt.Ujwala Sirnadgauda, Prof. Anjuman Law College vijayapur was the Chief Guest. She delivered an informative speech to lady students about this year’s theme for women’s day celebration, i.e “I am Generation Equality “- Realizing Women’s Rights, which has benefited our girl students .Prof.B.S.Inamdar, Chairperson of ladies forum presided over the function .
On the occasion of women’s day, various competitions and cultural activities for lady students were conducted to exhibit their talents. Most of the lady students actively participated in all the activities. The function concluded by the national Anthem.
All lady Staff and students were present and made this celebration a grand success.
Ladies Forum of our College organised a Guest lecture on “Stress Management” by Smt. Deepa Lingadalli, Psychiatrist social worker DMHP Vijayapur on Thursday 13 Feb 2020.
The speaker explained the lady students about concept of stress, symptoms, types and causes of stress and it’s effect on body and mind. She also explained the strategies to manage stress effectively. The programme was appreciated by faculty and students. The lecture was helpful and inspiring.
All lady students and staff were present.