“International Women’s Day”
Ladies forum of AnjumanDegree College organised “International Women’s Day” on 8th march 2019. Various competitions for girl students were conducted to exhibit their talents.
1. Rangoli
2. Hairstyle
3. Creativity out of waste
4. Debate on “is reservation for women in politics is justified?”
5. Skit presentation on Domestic Violence.
Maximum ladies students actively participated in all the activities. President of the function and Principal, Prof. (Smt.) S. G. Mahaldar priside over the function. Smt. S. M. Hanchinal chairperson of the ladies forum organised the function. Ladies students present a skit on Elimination of Violence against women, Dowery system, female foetcide, women empowerment , women harassment etc. and give message to teach people that only men can stop the violence that is taking place against all women and girls ” Educate Men and save Women”.