NSS Special Camp Report for the year 2018-2019

The NSS Special Camp was jointly organised by the NSS Units (I/II) at Gandhinagar Slum from 5th January 2019 to 11th January 2019. The aim of the camp was to bring about awareness among the people on maintaining Swachchta, for this awareness rally, Nukkad Nataks, tree plantation, etc activities were organised during the period.


              Shri.Hashimpeer Walikar, President-State Human Rights Commission inaugurated the activities of the NSS Special Camp. In the forenoon, Prof.Naveen.N.Desai-Assistant Professor. Department of Civil Engineering,BLDEA’s V.P. Dr.P.G.Halakatti College of Engg & Tech, Vijayapur delivered a lecture on “Entrepreneurship Awareness and Available Opportunities” to the NSS Volunteers and the local people.


           Under the tutelage of Swachchta Abhiyan, awareness of composting kitchen waste was demonstrated by Prof.Khalid.A.Nishani-Professor & Head of Dept of Botany, Anjuman Degree College, Vijayapur. In the evening- Socio-Economic Health Survey was conducted at the slum.  The Volunteers were divided into groups of 2s’ and went about door to door to collect the information on the theme. 


         Our Volunteers carried out shramdaan in th premises of Hanuman Mandir at Gandhinagar Slum which showcased the sense of oneness irrespective of the religion that they belonged to.  In the following session, this selfless activity by the Volunteers was highly appreciated by Prof. Syed.Wajid Peerzade- Director-IQAC, Head of Dept of Commerce & Computer Science, Anjuman Degree College-Vijayapur. Shri.Sanjay Kuman-PSI-Golgumbaz Police Station-Vijayapur explained about the various traffic rules that a commuter should abide by. Later in the evening Street Play/Nukkad Natak  was also organized by the volunteers, they disseminated the message of Road Safety, Child Labour and Domestic Violence.


    Under the tutelage of Swachchta Abhiyan, shramdaan by our Volunteers at the vicinity of Govt Primary School was also rendered. After lunch- Dr. S.N.Attar-Clinical Psychologist, District Hospital-Vijayapur opined that students reporting emotional trouble, the transition to college life can be challenging.  In the following session, Maulana Shakir Hussain Kashmi-Principal, Arabic College, Indi-Vijayapur- explained about the significance of morality in education.


      The following day was full of events,  thorny plants along the highway leading to Gunnapur Road were removed by the volunteers which was causing inconvenience to the public.  This was followed by Poster Painting on cleanliness on the walls of Govt. Primary School.  Slogans on maintaining cleanliness, saving environment were also written on the walls.  The motive behind this drive was to bring awareness among the people to maintain swachchta. A rally in the streets of the slum to bring awareness was undertaken by displaying placards on constructing toilets, maintaining cleanliness, living in hygienic conditions etc. Plantation in the premises of Diamond Degree College was undertaken. In the forenoon session, Shri.A.K.Bagwan-Block Resource Person-Vijayapur explained about the voter enrolment process and the importance of voting.


         The subject of the sixth day of the camp was creation of healthy society through community  health services.  A Free Medical Camp in Collaboration with KGPA Association, Al-Ameen Dental College & Hospital and Indian Dental Association was organized at Govt Kannada Primary School in Gandhinagar.  A public announcement was made and door to door communication was done by our volunteers to inform people to avail free health services.  The response was excellent and about 185 localites came forward to avail this opportunity.  Free medicines were distributed to the needy.  This health camp was proved to be very successful and created a harmonious environment in the community. 


        This was the last day of the camp.  After cleaning the campus, volunteers actively participated in various cultural activities like playing guitar, singing, mime, mono-acting, skit, etc. In the Valedictory- Dr.Anis.B.Shaikh- Vice-Principal, and HoD of Sociology was the Chief Guest. He opined that volunteers should strive to develop their personality by taking up community services apart from excellence in academics. The Volunteers exhibited their talent and with their sheer hard work and dedication made the camp successful. Kudos to all the Volunteers.  We are proud of your role, strength and determination.