“Workshop on Life Skills Development”

“Workshop on Life Skills Development”


A workshop on “Life Skills Development ” was organized by the NSS Units of our college on 1st March 2018. Shri Pradeep B. K. Liaison Officer NIMHANS Bengaluru conducted the workshop.  The focus of this workshop was on developing LIFE SKILLS in adolescents. This is very important for the overall personality of theirs in this increasingly competitive environment. The program included activity based sessions which helped students not only to learn Social skills but also empower them to lead safe, healthy and happy lives. The students got the opportunity to plan, discuss, and take action through role-plays, discussions, games and other activities where in it is stressed that co-operation, working in teams, friendship and relationships are important and valued. The sessions were structured in such a way that students link the learning to their everyday life scenarios and are encouraged to try out their new skills in real life. Principal Prof.S.G.Mahaldar highlighted on the importance of workshop. NSS Programme Officers Prof M.A.Peeran and Dr.(Smt) Ruqqia were present.

“Women’s Day Celebration on 08-03-2018”

“Women’s Day Celebration”

Women’s Day Celebration & Valedictory Function of Ladies Forum activities    2017-18 was held on 08-03-2018. Sine morning 09.00a.m the various competitions commenced as follows 1) Rangoli competition, 2) Hair Style Competition, 3) Creativity out of waste, 4) Speech competition report reading of the Ladies forum activities was highlighted by the chairperson of the forum Prof.Smt.S.M.Jamadar. Entertainment Programme later on followed & the celebration successfully concluded.

National Science Day on 28-02-2018

National Science Day

Science forum of our college organized rally form College via D. D. P. I office, Ambedkar Circle, Bashweshwar Circle, Bus Stand and back to college. On 28-02-2018 This rally has been organized to create awareness regarding “Evil Effects of Tobacco, Gutkha chewing and use of Plastics”. Prof.Smt.S.G.Mahaldar, Principle Address the Gathering. Nearly 300 Students were accompanied by the staff members and Rally Successfully Concluded.




“Guest Lecture by Dept. of Urdu”

“Guest Lecture by Dept. of Urdu”

Dept. of Urdu organized a guest lecture on 19-02-2018. Ali Janab, Ali Adil Khan, Chief Editor, Times of Pedia, New Delhi delivered a special Lecture on “ Social Reformation”, Janab Syed Zainul Abieen Peerzade, Governing Council Mamber Anjuman-E-Islam, Vijayapur and Prof.A.A.Nasar were present on the occasion. Dr.Syed Alimullah Hussaini and Dr.Jaan Nisar of urdu dept. compeered the programme.

“National Sports Day 29-08-2017”

“National Sports Day 29-08-2017”

Our College Sports Dept. Celebrate the National Sports Day on 29-08-2017. The chief guest was Shri.Basheer Karnal Anjuman P.U College Vijayapur Physical Education Director. Dr.Abdus Sattar Principal, President of the Function. And Physical Education Director Shri.Arif Hussain Inamdar were Present.

Farewell to Prof.Hafiz Md. Abubakar Ashrafi

“Farewell to Prof.Hafiz Md. Abubakar Ashrafi”

Farewell to Prof. Hafiz Md. Abubakar Ashrafi From Dept. of Debating Union of our college has organized on 31-01-2018. Sayed Mahmood Peeran Hussaini Hashmi Peerzade, President of Anjuman-E-Islam’s Vijayapur was chief guest.


One Day International Seminar for UG Students on 30-01-2018

One Day International Seminar for UG Students

The Science Forum of the college successfully organized self financed one day international seminar for under graduate students on 30th January 2018.Main theme of the seminar was Swachh Bharat: The role of science and technology promises and Challenges. The sub topics of the seminar were:

  1. E-waste management
  2. Solid-waste management
  3. Ecology & environmental pollution management
  4. Recycle-Reuse-Reduce


The event was inaugurated by Dr.Harish Handral, Research scientist, university of Health Network, Toronto, Canada. All science students of our college and sixty five outstation students were participated and forty students were presented their paper. The best papers are awarded with first, second, third  & consolation prizes.

This was an unique event exposed the students to new trends oh science and enhance the skills of presentation and knowledge development.

The science forum executive body members are:


Prof(Smt.) S.G.Mahaldar, Principal President, Science Forum.
Prof(Smt.)S.M.Hnachinal Secretary, Science Forum.
Dr.M.A.Gadyal Joint Secretary, Science Forum.
Dr.B.A.Jumanal Finance Secretary, Science Forum.


The credit for the success of event goes to all the members of the science forum, teaching and non-teaching staff and students of the institution.