Parent-Teachers & Alumni Meet

Parent-Teachers & Alumni Meet

            Parents-Teachers and Alumni meet held on Monday the 28th May 2018 on the college campus. Dignitaries, Parents/Alumni attended the meeting and shared their views on the contribution of Anjuman College for the development of society.

One Day Workshop on “Guidelines for NET/SET Examination”

One Day Workshop on “Guidelines for NET/SET Examination”

            One Day workshop for Guidelines NET/SET Examination was organized by Alumni Association of this college on 21st April 2018. Prof. Azeem Jamadar Asst. Prof Dept. of Commerce Govt. First Grade College, Ilkal was the Resource Person. Janab Rafi Bhandari Senior Journalist and Member of Minority Commission, Bangalore was the chief guest. Function is presided over by  Prof.Smt.S.G.Mahaldar Principal of this college. Dr.Sayed Aleemullah Hussaini Chairman Alumni Association of this college welcomed to the guest.


One Day International Multi disciplinary Seminar on “Socio-Cultural and Economic Conditions of India” (Ancient-Modern).

One Day International Multi disciplinary Seminar on “Socio-Cultural and Economic Conditions of India” (Ancient-Modern).


One Day International Multi disciplinary Seminar on “Socio-Cultural and Economic Conditions of India” (Ancient-Modern), was jointly organized in Collaboration with Deccan Studies & Historical Research Association, Vijayapur, and B. L. D. E. A’s Smt. Bangaramma Sajjan Arts & Commerce College for women, Vijayapur. on 04th March 2018.

“Award of Best N.S.S UNIT”

“Award of Best N.S.S UNIT”

The NSS Units of Anjuman Arts Science Commerce College and PG Studies in English Vijayapur was honoured with the Best Unit Award of Vijayapur District for the year 2016-2017 by Rani Channamma University Belgaum Karnataka on 13th April 2018. Principal Prof.S.G.Mahaldar and Programme Officer Dr.(Smt) Ruqqia were honoured on the occasion by Honourable Vice Chancellor of RCUB Prof.Shri.Shivanand.B.Hosamani, Shri.A.N.Pujar Regional Director NSS Bengaluru, RCUB NSS Coordinator Prof.Shri.S.O.Halasagi and others were present.

“World Poetry Day”

“World Poetry Day”

Dept. of English organized on 21st March 2018 Prof. Prabhavati Talwar Dept. of English Akkamahadevi Women’s University Vijayapur, delivered a special Lecture on “Aspects of Poetry”.




Trees reduce noise pollution and also contribute to maintain and increase biodiversity. 21st March 2018 provides a big opportunity to all the people to learn more about their contributions in maintaining the well being of the people. The N.S.S Units of Anjuman Arts, Science & Commerce College, Vijayapur celebrated the International Forest Day on 21st March 2018.

Janab.Zainulabideen, Vice President of Anjuman-E-Islam, Vijayapur planted saplings in the college campus along with the Principal, Prof.Smt.S.G.Mahaldar, NSS Programme Officers Prof.M.A.Peeran & Dr.Smt.Ruqqia and NSS Volunteers. Various types of saplings were planted in the college campus to make it greener and which helps in removing harmful pollutants in the air.

“He that plant trees, loves others besides himself-Thomas Fuller”

Visit to Zilla Panchayat

Prof.Mahammadgous.K.Pitali sir conducted a visit to Vijayapur’s Zilla Panchayat Office with B.A.V/VI Sem students on 13-03-2018. After visiting, Chief Executive Officer Dr. Surendra Babu IAS Officer attended us and given the complete information about the Panchayat Raj System. Students attended the NEREEGA Program which was conducted by Zilla Panchayat Officer at Zilla Panchayat Assembly Hall at 11:00am.


Prof.Mahammadgous.K.Pitali sir conducted a visit to Vijayapur’s D C Office with B.A. students on 13-03-2018. After visiting, Chief Executive Officer Dr. Surendra Babu IAS Officer attended us and given the complete information about the Local Government System. Students attended the  which was conducted by D C office Assembly Hall at 11:00am.