International Conference On Humanities, Science and Technology and Environmental Science

Under the joint auspices of Anjuman Degree College Bijapur and Deccan Environmental and Research Organisation, Vijayapur and International conference held on 28th August 2017.  Dr. Mukhtar Ahmad, King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Dr. Sayed Naimatullah Hussaini, TAIF University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, delivered keynote address on this occasion.  Dr. Mukhtar Ahmad spoke on Environmental challenges.   In his deliberation he extensively focused on those areas that cause Environmental disaster like as, Expanding urban areas with more Concrete buildings, Excess use of fertilizers, deforestation mismanagement of Electronic Waste and polymer products.  He expressed his concern for lack of Environment awareness programmes.  In his address he called for immediate attention and care for Environment awareness on the part of the government, academicians  and general public as well.  He said proper programmes and policies to tap those areas responsible for Environmental damage and take the help of research and technology to address this grave issue.

Dr. Syed Naimatullah Hussaini, in speech focused on Computer technology and other softwares, be used judiciously  to further the cause of good Education and quality research in higher Education institution in India.

Dr. Abdus Sattar principal of the college, in his presidential address, holds deforestation as Main Cause for Environmental disaster.  He said Excess use of fertilizers, not only affects the health of the environment but the health of human beings as well.  He called for clean and green atmosphere all over the country.  He lauded “Swacha Bharat Abhiyan” is right step in this direction.

During the day long conference technical sessions were held on three main thrust areas like humanities, Science and Technology.   Dr. S.J.Jahagirdar, Dr, I.G.Ruqqia, Prof. Syed Wajid Peerzade and Dr. A.N.Chatterki chaired the sessions respectively.  Dr. Saleem Desai proposed vote of thanks.  The conference concluded with valedictory programme.